yard trucks for sale

When it comes to moving heavy loads around your yard or warehouse, having the right equipment is crucial. Yard trucks, also known as terminal tractors or yard spotters, are specially designed vehicles with the power and maneuverability to handle the toughest jobs. Whether you’re in the market for a new or used yard truck, this guide will provide you with everything you need to know to make an informed decision.

Product Specifications

Before you start shopping, it’s important to understand the various features and specifications of yard trucks. Here are some key factors to consider:

Feature Description
Capacity Yard trucks can typically handle loads ranging from 30,000 to 80,000 pounds, depending on the model.
Engine Most yard trucks are powered by diesel engines, which provide the necessary torque for heavy-duty applications.
Transmission Automatic transmissions are standard on most models, although some may also offer manual options.
Brakes Yard trucks typically feature air brakes, which provide reliable stopping power and are required for vehicles over a certain weight.
Tires Look for yard trucks with heavy-duty tires that can withstand the weight and stress of constant use.

Product Details

When it comes to choosing a yard truck, there are a few additional details to keep in mind:


The engine is one of the most important components of a yard truck, as it provides the power necessary to move heavy loads. Most yard trucks are equipped with diesel engines, which are known for their durability and torque. However, some models may also offer alternative fuel options such as propane or natural gas.

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Yard Truck EngineSource: bing.com

Release Date

Yard trucks have been around for decades, but advances in technology have led to significant improvements in performance and efficiency. The release date of a particular model can give you an idea of its age and level of technology.

Product Price for Sale

Yard trucks can range in price from around $20,000 for a used model to more than $100,000 for newer, top-of-the-line vehicles. Factors that can affect the price include age, condition, and features such as cab size and air conditioning.

Product FAQ

What is a yard truck?

A yard truck, also known as a terminal tractor or yard spotter, is a specially designed vehicle used for moving heavy loads around a yard or warehouse. It features a powerful engine, automatic transmission, and air brakes, among other features.

What is the capacity of a typical yard truck?

Yard trucks can typically handle loads ranging from 30,000 to 80,000 pounds, depending on the model.

What type of engine do most yard trucks use?

Most yard trucks are powered by diesel engines, which provide the necessary torque for heavy-duty applications.

What should I look for when buying a used yard truck?

When buying a used yard truck, it’s important to thoroughly inspect the vehicle for signs of wear and damage, particularly in the engine, transmission, and brakes. You should also look for evidence of regular maintenance and check the vehicle’s service history.

Are there any safety considerations when operating a yard truck?

Yes, operating a yard truck can be dangerous, particularly when working around other vehicles or pedestrians. It’s important to receive proper training and follow all safety guidelines, including wearing personal protective equipment and using caution when backing up.

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Pros and Cons

Like any piece of equipment, yard trucks have their advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of the main pros and cons:


  • Powerful engines and heavy-duty construction make them ideal for moving heavy loads
  • Automatic transmission and air brakes provide safe and efficient operation
  • Designed for use in tight spaces and crowded yards


  • Can be expensive, particularly for newer models with advanced features
  • Can be difficult to maneuver in certain situations
  • Require regular maintenance to keep them running smoothly

Product Location

If you’re in the market for a yard truck, there are several places you can look to find one:

  • Equipment dealerships
  • Online marketplaces such as eBay or Craigslist
  • Auctions and trade shows
  • Directly from the manufacturer

Product Reviews

Reading reviews from other customers can be a great way to get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of different yard truck models. Here are a few websites where you can find reviews:

  • Equipment Trader
  • Machinery Trader
  • Truck Paper

Customer and More

If you’re ready to start shopping for a yard truck, there are a few final tips to keep in mind:

  • Take the time to thoroughly inspect any used vehicles before making a purchase
  • Consider your specific needs and applications when choosing a model
  • Make sure to receive proper training and follow all safety guidelines when operating a yard truck